AP World History Assignments

Chapter 12: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads

After reading Chapter 12, you will be able to:

Identify the east Asian and Mediterranean points of Silk Road trade.

Explain the various segments of the Silk Roads and identify the items of trade that flowed along the Silk Roads

Explain how various segments of the Silk Roads connected to Indian Ocean trade routes and identify the items of trade that traveled by sea

Explain the relationship of Silk Roads to empires of China, India, East Africa, and the Mediterranean

Explain the significance of military, merchants, and missionaries in their spread of imperial order, trade goods, and religious beliefs

Explain the role the Silk Roads in the spreading of disease

On provided maps, label the boundaries of Rome and Han China after 300 C.E.; Silk Roads and hemispheric trade routes in east Asia, southeast Asia, India, central Asia, Middle East, east Africa, Roman empire; Indian Ocean trade routes; East African / Swalhili trading centers and their links to trans-Saharan gold-salt routes

As you read Chapter 12, take notes on the following terms and concepts: Who, what, where, why, when, how, so what?

Chapter 12: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Sild Roads

On provided maps under Downloads tab, locate the following places:

1. monsoon winds (289)
2. Hindu Kush (287)
3. Himalaya Mountains
4. Taklamakan Desert (290 see map 292)
5. Taxila (290 see map 292)
6. Persian Gulf (290 see map 292)
7. Arabia (290 see map 292)
8. Tyre (290 see map 292)
9. Red Sea (289 see map 292)
10. South China Sea (see maps 292, 297)
11. Ceylon (293 see maps 209, 292)
12. missionaries 14. Bactria
13. Chang’an
14. Hindu Kush Mountains
15. Madagascar
16. Kashgar
17. Caspian Sea
18. Palmrya
19. Antioch
20. Arabian Sea
21. Damascus

















22. Guangzhou
23. Pondicherry
24. Merv
25. Samarkand
26. Dunhuang
27. Sumatra
28. Constantinople
29. Bukhara
30. Khotan
31. Parthia
32. Java
33. western and eastern roman empires

From Chapters 16 and 19:
34. Ghana
35. Korea
36. Cairo
37. Niger River
38. Sofala, kilwa, Malindi, Axum, Mogadishu














Chapter 12: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads

As you read Chapter 12, take notes on the following terms and concepts: Who, what, where, why, when, how, so what?

Han Wudi (287)
missionaries (295)
Chang'an (289)
Epidemics 287, 288, 295, 299, 300
expatriate 295
merchant 295
Sumatra 295
Manicheaism 287
bubonic plague 300
Diocletian 305
Constantinople 305
Huns 306
Bishop of Rome 310
476 C.E. 307
Nestorians 297
synergetic/syncretism 298
smallpox 300
Constantine 305-309
Visigoths 306-307
Attila 306
western and eastern Roman empires 304-305
St. Augustiine 309

Sources from the Past: St. Cyprian on Epidemic Disease in the Roman Empire












Chapter 12: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Sild Roads

Word document or pdf document of map locations and Chapter 11, 16, and 19 terms; blank map for Silk Roads and sea routes; labeled map for Silk Roads and Sea routes; map for drawing boundaries of divided Roman and diminished Han empires