Theme 1: Humans and the Environment (ENV)
- The environment shapes human societies, and as populations grow and change, these populations in turn shape their environments
Theme 2: Cultural Developments and Interactions (CDI)
- The development of ideas, beliefs, and religions illustrates how groups in society view themselves, and the interactions of societies and their beliefs often have political, social, and cultural implications.
Theme 3: Governance (GOV)
- A variety of internal and external factors contribute to state formation, expansion, and decline. Governments maintain order through a variety of administrative institutions, policies, and procedures, and governments obtain, retain, and exercise power in different ways and for different purposes.
Theme 4: Economic Systems (ECN)
- As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services
Theme 5: Social Interactions and Organization (SIO)
- The process by which societies group their members and the norms that govern the interactions between these groups and between individuals influence political, economic, and cultural institutions and organization.
Theme 6: Technology and Innovation (TEC)
- Human adaptation and innovation have resulted in increased efficiency, comfort, and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions awith both intended and unintended consequences.