Chapter 18: Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration
After reading Chapter 18, you will be able to:
Identify the Turks and the Mongols as social organizations that stretch back to hunter-gathers. (See pages 14-16 and 127-128)
Differentiate the origin of the Turks and the origin of the Mongols
Explain the various impacts of nomadic culture on trade
Identify reasons for Mongol military successes and their weaknesses in targeted empires
Identify the different ways the four khans ruled the different empires and the extent to which the Mongols assimilated, tolerated, or ignored the customs of the settled societies
Explain how "pax Mongolica" intensified long-range transportation networks, trade, and diplomatic contacts; spread bubonic plague; and mercilessly taxed peasants
As you read Chapter 18, take notes on the following terms and concepts: Who, what, where, why, when, how, so what?